=== wp-forecast === Contributors: tuxlog Donate link: http://www.tuxlog.de Tags: weather,forecast,widget,openweathermap,open-meteo Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 6.7 Stable tag: 9.6 License: GPLv2 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html wp-forecast is a highly customizable plugin for wordpress, showing weather-data from open-meteo.com and/or openweathermap.com. == Description == You are reading the readme.txt file for the wp-forecast plugin. wp-forecast is a plugin for the famous wordpress blogging package, showing the weather-data from open-meteo.com and/or openweathermap.com. please also refer to the terms of usage of open-meteo.com and/or openweathermap.com. Features: + Displays the weather data from Open-Meteo.com and OpenWeatherMap.com at your wordpress pages, posts or sidebar + Displays OpenUV.io data + Let you choose the * location (of course) * the time after the weather data is refreshed * the langugage * metric or american measures * windspeed unit * the forecast days * the forecast for up to six/seven days + support wordpress widgets, easy placement :-) + customize the information you want to show + supports pull-down forecast data to efficiently use space + multiple wp-forecast widget support + integration into your site via css (see below) + comes with an api for wordpress-pro's ;-) Credits: + Barbary Jany testing a lot and bring it to valid XHTML + Frans Lieshout Wim Scholtes translation to dutch + Luís Reis translation to portugues + Håkan Carlström, Susanne Svensso translation to swedish + Gabriele von der Ohe translation to german with entities (for iso-8859-1 or latin1 blogs) + Martin Loyer/Jean-Pierre translation to french + Robert Lang language file for en_US + Detti Giulio/Stefano Boeri translation to italian + Eilif Nordseth translation to norwegian + Michael S.R. Petersen translation to dansk + Jaakko Kangosjärvi translation to finish + Lukasz "linshi" Linhard translation to polish + Castmir & Alejandro translation to spanish + Tamas Koos translation to hungarian + Valeria Pellegrini translation to russian + Valentina Boeri translation to romanian + Roland Geci translation to slovak + Pavel Soukenik translation to czech + Pavel Karnaukhov translation to ukraine + Zoran Maric translation to serbian (latin) + Petar Petrov translation to bulgarian + Udi Burg translation to hebrew + Uli Kozok translation to indonesian + Ali Zemani translation to persian + Amizda Idriz translation to bosnian + Lovrenco Vladislavić translation to croatian + All the others giving feedback about missing features and bugs. Thank you very much for your contribution to wp-forecast. + Weather Icon Font by me Erik FLowers Weather Icons licensed under SIL OFL 1.1 Installation: 0. Install via the WordPress plugin admin dialog (search for wp-forecast) or 1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually `wp-content/plugins/`, keeping the directory structure intact \(i.e. wp-forecast.php should end up in `wp-content/plugins/wp-forecast/`\). 2. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen. 3. Visit the configuration page \(`Options -> WP-forecast`\) to pick the number of widgets, data to display and to change any other option. 4. Visit the Themes/Widgets page to place your wp-forecast widget within your themes sidebars or insert it manually and edit your template file and put the wp-forecast function where you want your weather data to show up. Example: `` You have to replace with the choosen widget id. For the first widget use wp\_forecast("A"), for the second wp\_forecast("B") and so on. In most cases it is advisable to put the call into a div environment. 5. Optional If you would like to have another set of icons download it from and put it into the wp-content/plugins/wp-forecast/icons folder 6. Optional If you would like to change the style, just edit wp-forecast.css there are three classes div.wp-forecast for outer formatting, table.wp-forecast for the middle part or iconpart and wp-forecast-details for everything below the icon == Translations == wp-forecast comes with various translations, located in the directory `lang`. if you would like to add a new translation, just take the file wp-forecast.pot (in the wp-forecast main directory) copy it to wp-forecast_-.po and edit it to add your translations (e.g. with poedit). Please be aware that the number codes stand for the weather-situations. you can see the mapping in wp-forecast-en_US-en_US.po. there are also the letters N, S, W, E they stand for the winddirections and can be translates either. To use your own translation, a different one as the default just rename the appropriate file wp-forecast_-.po and wp-forecast_-.mo To add your translations online at the Translate WordPress project please visit https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/wp-forecast. This should be the prefered way from now on. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where can I get further information about the plugin? = There are severeal ressources to visit: * [The german wp-forecast page][germanpage] * [The german reference][germanref] * [A short FAQ list in german][gerfaq] * [A checklist in case of problems (german and english)][checklist] * [The english readme.txt][engreadme] * [The english reference (a bit out of date but still useful)][engref] [germanpage]: https://www.tuxlog.de/wp-forecast/ "German wp-forecast-page" [germanref]: https://www.tuxlog.de/wp-forecast-handbuch/ "German wp-forecast-manual" [gerfaq]: https://www.tuxlog.de/wordpress/2007/wp-forecast-wie-geht-das/ "wp-forecast FAQ - Wie geht das?" [checklist]: https://www.tuxlog.de/uncategorized/2009/checkliste-fur-wp-forecast-checklist-for-wp-worecast/ "wp-forecast checklist for connection problems" [engreadme]: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-forecast/ "you are actually reading this one" [engref]: https://www.tuxlog.de/wordpress/2008/wp-forecast-reference-v17-english/ "english reference for wp-forecast" = After upgrading the plugin my widgets are gone. Any Ideas? = Probably you used the automatic upgrade which disables the widget during update and sometimes removes the configured widgets. Just add the widgets again. = After upgrading my settings are gone. How can this be? = Probably you have enabled "Delete options during plugin deactivation?" and used automatically update or disabled the plugin during update. When this option is marked everey database entries inserted by wp-forecast are removed from the database. == Screenshots == 1. wp-forecast as a widget with two day forecast 2. wp-forecast admin dialog 3. wp-forecast in an iframe with a two day forecast == Changelog == = v9.6 (2025-01-05) = * added support for weather icon font and color * fixed wind icon for night time display * updated plugin for use with old OWM free data api v2.5 * fixed connection test for old OWM api v2.5 * put forecast label into its own div * added alternate UV Icon set from "der hase" * removed transport pre-selection since this is meanwhile covered by WP-Http = v9.5 (2024-10-28) = * added missing UV icon 5 * fixed typo in License tag * fixed conversion of precipitation forecast data = v9.4 (2024-04-05) = * added hint to OneCall API * tested with WP 6.5 = v9.3 (2024-02-26) = * fixed possibility of XSS from within WordPress with role contributor and up = v9.2 (2023-11-26) = * add two filters to change the weather data if wanted wp-forecast-openweathermap-data and wp-forecast-open-meteo-data * fixed widget with location selection (some attributes were removed for security reasons) * fixed label typo in admin dialog * removed some index warnings during widget preview call = v9.1 (2023-09-20) = * added weather description from Open-Meteo and OpenWeatherMap instead of old Accuweather descriptions * removed old accuweather translations * completed OpenMeteo translations * fixed some typos * avoid warning if translation is missing * fixed activation error in some constellations * fixed saving setup on Multisite * Echo received message in connectiontest = v9.0 (2023-09-18) = * fixed apparent temperature bug in Open-Meteo data * added support for Fahrenheit for Open-Meteo * get more precise UV index for Open-Meteo * updated some documentation * fixed typos in english translation * fixed unescaped quotes in search results (e.g. O'Hare Airport) * sunset and sunrise are now formatted from blog time format = v8.9 (2023-09-15) = * fixed bug with use visitor ip for location and OpenMeteo * fixed timezone shift on some sunset/sunrise times * adopted connection test for Open-Meteo. * completed german translation = v8.8 (2023-09-13) = * added support for OpenMeteo as an alternative to accuweather * add admin notice for the accuweather problem * added OpenMeteo to asset banner = v8.7 (2023-01-20) = * updated widget translations = v8.6 (2023-01-13) = * added handling for empty timezone setting for OpenWeatherMap * corrected typo in german translation * removed DarkSky service because it is terminated * added support for OpenWeatherMap new API v3 service * removed hint for ending DarkSky service = v8.5 (2022-10-13) = * fixed html incompatibility with some themes = v8.4 (2022-09-19) = * fixed pulldown issue when called as shortcode * fixed undefined id in shortcodes.php * fixed some warnings about undefined indices = v8.3 (2022-09-16) = * fixed widget output concerning filtering = v8.2 (2022-09-13) = * fixed loading shortcode css correct * fixed pulldown anchors in special constellations = v8.1 (2022-09-12) = * enhanced OpenUV error handling = v8.0 (2022-09-08) = * fixed check connection test with new modal dialog = v7.9 (2022-09-07) = * added local translation for multi language sites * eliminated extract calls for security * fixed minor WordPress standard issues = v7.8 (2022-09-04) = * fixed shortcode call = v7.7 (2022-09-03) = * removed support for WordPress multisite admin settings * fixed various PHP Sniffer errors and warnings * redesigned admin dialog for connection test (ajax) * redesigned admin dialog for location search (ajax) * fixed special problem with some even more special precipitation values from the weatherprovider = v7.6 (2022-08-27) = * completed sanitize vars in admin dialog and update nonces * extended connection test for OpenWeatherMap * added some missing translations = v7.5 (2022-02-08) = * fixed warning in admin dialog when QUERY_STRING is not set = v7.4 (2021-10-19) = * fixed current precipitation for 1h = v7.3 (2021-10-16) = * added support for precipitation with OpenWeathermap.org = v7.2 (2021-06-14) = * fixed some warning of undefined indexes * added OpenWeathermap weather data provider since accuweather does not send correct forecast data anymore * added admin hint about weatherservice changes * fixed wind direction mapping = v7.1 (2021-04-07) = * fixed refresh of weather data on WP ajax call * added support for svg icons * fixed call of round function for PHP8 = v7.0 (2020-09-16) = * fixed curly brackets syntax in funclib * fixed date_i18n timezone issue by replacing it with php date function = v6.9 (2020-06-01) = * fixed link to accuweather weathersite for locations in the US = v6.8 (2020-05-20) = * fixed WPLANG warning = v6.7 (2020-01-25) = * fixed timezone with sunrise and sunset from DarkSky * fixed shift of conditions for different timezones * fixed decimals for DarkSky night temepratures = v6.6 (2019-11-25) = * fixed some conditions or to || * open lat and lon for DarkSky locations withour giving a location * removed old WeatherBug error message = v6.5 (2019-11-16) = * added some css classes for DarkSky * round some values from DarkSky (e.g. degrees) = v6.4 (2019-11-10) = * removed support for WeatherBug since the free API was discontinued * added support for DarkSky weather API * fixed some notices * removed old fashioned debugging aid = v6.3 (2019-10-20) = * fixed some more undefined index Notices = v6.2 (2019-09-12) = * fixed language override parameter for shortcode * fixed some undefined index Notices = v6.1 (2019-01-19) = * added option to disable load of default CSS rules * removed some PHP notices = v6.0 (2018-10-26) = * added interface to data from OpenUV.io to show detailed UV data * added interface to ipstack.com for getting the visitors location for displaying the weather * reordered the admin dialog * added new widget showing data from OpenUV.com * added UV icons, thanks to Lars = v5.9 (2018-08-12) = * javascript for ajax like call is only loaded when needed now - updated spanish translation, thanks to Alejandro = v5.8 (2018-02-17) = * removed deprecated function call for PHP7 = v5.7 (2017-09-23) = * added PHP7 compatibility = v5.6 (2017-08-27) = * tested with WordPress 4.8.1 * fixed some descriptions * removed older files from package * fixed a network bug which occurs sometimes * reduces max numer of widgets to 8 avoiding heavy loading on some sites = v5.5 (2015-08-25) = * fixed deprecated constructor call for WP_Widget which leads to problems with some PHP Versions = v5.4 (2015-02-14) = * error handling if no icon code found in weather data * updated french translation * switched to new accuweather server = v5.3 (2015-02-11) = * error handling if no icon code found in weather data = v5.2 (2015-02-08) = * updated italian translation Thanks to Peter P. * fixed some php warnings * fixed dutch translation = v5.1 (2014-10-24) = * support for using shortcode in normal textwidget * update croatian translation Thanks to Stjepan = v5.0 (2014-07-29) = * made the css a bit more responsive * added croatian language (Thanks to Lovrenco) = v4.9 (2014-05-04) = * added contextual help and support email in admin dialog * removed unused code (was commented since v3.x) * removed old langauge files = v4.8 (2014-01-30) = * add updated hebrew translation * optimized default icons with opt-gif and opt-png * added css sprites feature for accuweather icons (experimental) * fixed problem with dutch language and wind icons * adopted default css to Twenty Fourteen * added new accesspoint to access accuweather location search = v4.7 (2013-10-21) = * add updated czech translation. Thanks to eldenroot * added update greek translation. Thanks to Nikos * added a wind direction indicator = v4.6 (2013-10-13) = * fixed css output with wp_enqueue_script * disabled service for google weather because google closed the api * added uv-index to the accuweather data fields = v4.5 (2013-05-07) = * added serbian language (Thanks to Amizda Idriz) * fixed langauge codes in language selection dialog = v4.4 (2013-02-03) = * fixed some php warnings * added persian translation (Thanks to Ali Zemani) * fixed language code in iframe header = v4.3 (2012-12-24) = * added new hebrew translation by Udi :-) * added new greek translation by Nikos :-) * added updated serbian translation by Zoran :-) * fixed search dialog for some special accuweather responses = v4.2 (2012-10-23) = * changed global variable name for xml parsing to prevent collision * added width and height attributes to img tags for better performance * fixed HTML warning in admin dialog * fixed problem with plugin_locale filter * fixed problem with webservers which do not decompress automatically * added indonesian language thanks to Uli = v4.1 (2012-08-03) = * fix admin dialog, it was not possible to save the WeatherBug Partner-ID * only include javascript for multi widget in frontend * changed translation loading from load_textdomain to load_plugin_textdomain * fixed a problem with search dialog and individual wp-content folder = v4.0 (2012-06-10) = * support individual wp-content folder * added hebrew translation from Udi Burg = v3.9 (2012-05-26) = * fixed a bug with new search dialog and multiwidgets * fixed some php notices * fixed weather provider switch in admin dialog * check for apikey in search dialog for weatherbug = v3.8 (2012-02-05) = * fixed a special data constellation returned by accuweather for the pressure * changed js loading to load thickbox only in admin dialog * changed search dialog to an ajax like replacement * redesigned the admin dialog a bit more convenient * fixed an url problem in connection check = v3.7 (2011-12-21) = * fixed include of wordpress specific vars (wp-config.php, wp-load.php) to support secure setting * various html5 validity fixes * calculate copyright year automatically = v3.6 (2011-07-06) = * changed accuweather copyright notice to 2011 * removed use of HttpExt class for transport, since it was removed from wordpress 3.2 = v3.5 (2011-04-21) = * added updated finish translation from Jaakko * selection widget now accepts language_override to set langauge different from default = v3.4 (2011-03-13) = * added updated dansk translation (thanks to Michael S.R. Petersen) * fixed a problem with wp 3.1 in network mode, due to a different search path th e wrong setup.php was included = v3.3 (2010-11-02) = * moved enqueue script to init hook where it should be to avoid conflicts with other plugins * added bulgarian translation * if you return to a wp-forecast site which uses selection widget, your selected location will be remembered and automatically displayed when you return (uses cookies) = v3.2 (2010-10-01) = * fixed duplicate id in selection widget = v3.1 (2010-08-02) = * fixed several bugs when using presettings in multiusermode * added support for GoogleWeather API * added serbian latin translation (thanks to Zoran) * fixed year in copyright notice * update accuweather servicelink to new server * fixed translation for superadmin dialog on multisites * added colored checkboxes to superadmin dialog * removed examples folder from package = v3.0 (2010-05-15) = * timeoffset is now considered for current time too * added support for wpmu (maintain settings on a per blog base, support for wpmu admin plugin) * updated dansk translation * fixed handling of country specific characters in accuweather data * added "Less..." link at the top (pull down widget) * updated swedish translation * added css class for iframe tag for shortcodes = v2.9 (2010-02-19) = * fixed an javascript, jquery incompatibility with ie6, ie7, ie8 concerning the selection dialog widget = v2.8 (2010-01-30) = * prevent wp-forecast-nowp.css from being deleted during automatic plugin update * added beaufort to set of windunits * updated dutch translation, thanks to Wim :-) * fixed warning during autoupdate with wordpress >Version 2.8.6 * rounded pressure to get rid of long values = v2.7 (2010-01-22) = * added unit label to timeoffset field in admindialog * added selection dialog widget to let user choose which location to view * extended pulldown widget to use more than one pulldown widget per page * prevent wp-forecast.css from being deleted during automatic plugin update = v2.6 (2009-12-17) = * fixed wrong urlencoded link to weather forecast at accuweather * fixed undefined variable warning for $wp_forecast_pre_transport in wp-forecast.php * fixed uncompress bug in wordpress 2.9 with workaround in fetch_url * fixed invalid xhtml/javascript in admin dialog once more * added open in new window feature for weather provider link * added time offset to correct wrong calculated accuweather times = v2.5 (2009-10-17) = * fixed wrong html in widget dialog with wordpress v2.8, that leads to problems with placing widgets in internet explorer * set default for widget call via v2.8.1 widgetdialog * replaced "Copyright" with © * added parameters width and height to shortcode * added feature to show/hide forecast data with javascript * added transport check to admin dialog = v2.4 (2009-07-04) = * changed readme to support new changelog feature at wordpress.org * fixed faq section in readme, resized icon * added default css file which is used when no user specific one is available * fixed div container when date/time is disabled * fixed widget title to be display correct = v2.4beta (2009-06-18) = * fixed translation of winddirection in api * added translation for romanian * fixed russian and italian translation * modified show function to use data api * avoid to store new cache when http fetch results in failure notice from acuweather * add support for weatherbug * reduced the number of database reads and writes and raise performance * changed the xhtml using only div and not table or others * added shortcode wpforecast * catch error when weather bug does not deliver a shorttext * since it leads to problems with some installations * added menu icon * moved settings to main menu * switched the widget dialog to new oo-progamming for versions after 2.7.1 * added a preselection of the transfer method to be used with wp-forecast = v2.3 (2009-01-30) = * fixed some wrong italian translations * added shorttext for api daily forecast * fixed translation in api * process failure notice from accuweather if it occures * added lat and lon to data api * switched to wordpress default function to get remote data from accuweather * changed default value of cache refresh to 1800 seconds * added translation to russian = v2.2 (2008-12-29) = * fixed some mistakes in finish translation (thanks to Jaska) * added hungarian translation * added parameter to avoid option deletion when deactivating the plugin * added parameter for direct call to add a html-header * added multi-checkbox-switch in admin-dialog (for convenience only) * added translation for winddirections * added data api for wordpress-pro's to design layouts individually = v2.1 (2008-11-09) = * added language support for spanish (thanks to Castmir) and * polish (thanks to Lukasz) * fixed minor css bug = v2.0 (2008-11-02) = * added finish translation (thanks to Jaska) * fixed a problem with overloaded textdomains (translations) * since wordpress does not a sanity check if a loaded domain is reloaded, we have to do it = v1.9 (2008-10-04) = * surpress fsockopen warning messages in case of connection problems and output the error as html comment = v1.8 (2008-09-17) = * added css class wpf-icon to make it easier formating the weather icons * added autodetection for icon filetype * gif, png and jpg are supported * corrected some translations = v1.7 (2008-07-20) = * removed a bit of redundant html when widget title is empty * fixed bug in output of current conditions * added option to show a link to the accuweather forecast * added dansk translation = v1.6 (2008-07-11) = * removed some hardcoded css * it is now possible to call the widget directly outside from wp * fixed a problem with wp >2.5 and the widget dialog * removed some redundant html * when showing no current weather information * placed forecast header into own table with own css class * added timeout parameter for the accuweather connections * rounded humidity to integer values * fixed some typos in swedish translation and added norwegian selection (thanks to RAM_OS) = v1.5 (2008-05-12) = * fixed two dutch phrases in dutch translation * added norwegian translation (thanks to Eilif) = v1.4 (2008-01-26) = * fix loading the wright textdomain when called from outside wordpress * added a bit debug code * work around for a bug in k2rc3 theme * added italian translation * added english lanuage file * a bit of code cleanup * extend function wp-forecast to select language per widget * added functions to display a set and a range of widgets at once = v1.3 (2007-12-26) = * added french translation * added german icon 11 (fog, 11_de.gif) * extended css classes to support horizontal view via css * removed repeating section title = v1.2 (2007-11-05) = * extend error handling for serverloss * added iso8859-1 coded german translation * fixed bug with german winddirections * added a widget title * removed standard location label (this can be handled via alternate location) = v1.1 (2007-10-01) = * fixed: setting the current time could not be disabled * fixed: on some servers the current date was converted to 0 * switched translations to gettext as recommended by wp codex = v1.0 (2007-09-09) = * fixed accuweather call for us locations * now works with wordpress mu = v1.0b4 (2007-09-01) = * fixed humidity / pressure checkbox * removed hard coded formatting, added css class * added support to show current time = v1.0b3 (2007-07-29) = * fixed output of before/after widget stuff for empty forecast * fixed different parameters for calling wp_forecast as widget and from sidebar.php * added swedish translation (thx to Håkan Carlström) = v1.0b2 (2007-07-25) = * work around for bug 4275 in wordpress 2.2 * removed widget id from output = v1.0b (2007-07-17) = * added support for up to 20 widgets with different locations and settings * added portugese language support * weather data is now cached in the database * no cookies needed anymore * default value of missing translations is now english * removed configuration dialog from widgets page to avoid misunderstanding about setup * fixed some minor errors = v0.9.1 (2007-07-01) = * added new field windgusts * fixed some incompatibility with complex themes = v0.9 (2007-06-23) = * added copyright notice * added date for current conditions * added alternative location name = v0.8 (2007-06-18) = * added dutch language support * show time in wordpress format (option: time_format) = v0.7 (2007-06-11) = * Fixed an incompatibility with wpSEO (used same global variable language which should never happen) = v0.6 (2007-06-07) = * Fixed a lot of incorrect XHTML * added translation for winddirection * changed display of low- and hightemperature in forecast * no decimals for windspeed * fixed two phrases in translation * added hint for dealing with german umlaute and search location dialog * added a bit error handling to surpress long error messages when receiving no or invalid xml from accuweather = v0.5 (2007-06-03) = * added support for wp widgets * Fixed some incorrect XHTML code * added selection of the fields to show * added windspeed unit support (hope you like it Barbara :-)) * added german language support for admin page = v0.4 (2007-05-31) = * never published, only code cleaning done = v0.3 (2007-05-18) = * Integrate forecast = v0.2 (2007-05-17) = * Fixed some incorrect XHTML code * Fixed path settings for icons and css * Tested with various browsers = v0.1 (2007-01-15) = * Initial beta release